Avengers: Infinity War – All The Best Bits

With Infinity War now released I can tell you that I have never been to anything like this in a cinema nor have I ever seen a film like this. The emotion on display was unlike anything I have ever seen, and the scope the Russo brothers went for and somehow achieved is breathtaking. This is a round up of the best moments / things from this truly groundbreaking film – and there are a ton of them.

oh and of course…



That opening sequence

The opening scene as we get the sound of a distress call from the Asgardian ship whilst the Marvel logo rolls on screen builds the tension as you know whats coming when the movie finally starts on the screen. Thanos has arrived, has decidmated the Asgardians, and kicks the Hulk’s ass so bad we don’t see him for the rest of the film. Ebony Maw also has a chilling speech hailing the arrival of the Mad Titan. This also leads to…

The death of Loki

Wow. A brutal death, that shows just how far Loki has come. He gives us his grandstanding telling us all who he is – prince of Asgard, rightful king of Jotunheim, and Odinson (a truly emotional beat that one). Then, as Thor looks on tied up, we see Loki slyly magic the dagger in his hand – and the whole audience cried no because we all knew what was about to happen. Thanos stops Loki, and chokes his face red whilst Loki tells him in sheer defiance “you will never be a god” before Thanos snaps his neck. This chilling and brutal death sets the tone for the rest of the film, and drives Thor onwards – with anger and rage.

The Edinburgh fight scene – Cap’s first appearance 

Not just because I am biased as I have been in this area a thousand times (and actually walked through the set when filming), this was an epic scene. The fight scene was so badass and excellently choreographed. The best moment was of course the BADASS Proxima Midnight spotting someone across the platform just before a train speeds past, once it has passed Cap walks out from the shadows and catches her spear. There was massive cheers when Cap appeared from the shadows in my cinema.

Ebony Maw is chill as fuck 

As explained earlier ‘Maw has this spokesperson for Thanos thing going on, and it is epic. With a serene grace his power is on display at all times. Whoever his voice actor is did a bang-up job. Also, Stark calling him squidward got the biggest laugh in my cinema.

Gamora dies – Red Skull appears

The biggest shock moment in the film as Thanos and Gamora head to Vormir in search of the soul stone and are met with a cloaked figure in the shadows. Walking forward it is revealed to be Red Skull – to a huge gasp in my cinema. He explains a sacrifice must be made in what is possibly the biggest emotional beat in the film – Thanos actually breaks down as he realises the must sacrifice the only person he truly loves in Gamora and Gamora is so obsessed with hating him she doesn’t realise he loves her. The Russo brothers did an excellent job in making Thanos one of the best villains ever and this is in large part due to his emotional weight surrounding his backstory and relationship with Gamora.

Thor arrives in Wakanda with Rocket and Groot

Thor arrives, new weapon and all, looking for blood after the death of Loki. Wakanda is stating to ger over-run, and with the epic explosion of arrival from the bifrost right between the two sets of teams, he arrives as badass as anything you’ll ever see. As banner says “you guys have had it now”, a truly epic moment.

Vision and Wanda say “I love you”

The love between the two has been developed massively, and as Wanda realises she must destroy the mind stone, she reluctantly does it full of tears before Vision proclaims “I love you” before she smashes it to bits. All those this tragically would have no effect as Thanos used the time gem to get the stone anyaway. Heartbreaking.

“Should’ve gone for the head”

Thanos has all the gems. But from nowhere Thor appears and makes a beeline for Thanos as Thanos tries to use the gems to stop him. Stormbreaker however is too strong and Thor stabs Thanos – appearing to be mortally wounded. However in a truly climactic and audeince joy robbing Thanos utters the line “should’ve gone for the head” and performs the finger snap – killing half the universe before fleeing to his own paradise. A truly shocking end to a film and a ballsy move from Marvel.

Spider-Man dies in Tonys arms

Amongst the myriad of deaths stemming from the finger snap, Spider-Mans has the biggest emotional weight has he dies in Tony’s arms begging not to be taken. People literally cried.











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